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Essential Air-Con Maintenance Tips That You Should Know

05 May 2020

If you own an air conditioner, you must do routine maintenance to make sure it is cooling your home efficiently. What’s more is you just cannot avoid some significant aspects because the air conditioner is a vital component of your house. These aspects are appended below:

  • If you want to ensure your air conditioner is operating smoothly.
  • If you want to prevent future break down of the air conditioner.
  • If you want to save money from repair and replacement costs.
  • If you want to be environmentally responsible.
  • If you want to save money from energy bills.

The thing is doing regular maintenance of the air con would ensure the above-mentioned aspects are maintained properly. But what are the things you must consider while doing air conditioner maintenance? So, in this article, we are going to talk about the things you should consider to do regular maintenance. Let’s move forward and read the article.

What to consider while doing an air con maintenance?

The Filters and Coil

The filters of an air conditioner are crucially important and when you do maintenance work, you must remove them for a thorough cleaning. To do that you should remove them from the unit. After that, you can clean them easily if you use antiseptic spray on both sides. If you are finished cleaning them, make sure to rinse them with warm water.

Note that removing all dirt and grime would ensure they are working properly within the unit. In case, your air conditioner has ductless feature, you should also locate the heat exchanging coil and do a complete cleaning to remove any dirt or debris from it.

The Coil and Vents

The coil and vents must be cleaned clearly. If you see anything that is blocking the outdoor portion, be sure to remove it. It will make sure an improved level of air flow. In addition, you can wipe the air outlet as it will add perfect air flow through the air conditioner.

The Air Flow

To ensure a maximum level of airflow, you should always check the airflow level. In this way, you would be sure whether the system is working properly or not. If you see the air flow is not sufficient, you can hire a professional air con maintenance service in Singapore.

The Rust

Rust is a major stumbling block for any device, especially for an air conditioner. This is why you should do a regular inspection of the air conditioner to see any rust is developing. If yes, make sure to remove the rust because it will cost you hundreds of dollars. On the other hand, if the rust is in a small amount, you can use waterproof paint as it will be enough to stop the rust development.

The Heating and Cooling Functions

The last thing you would consider is the heating and cooling functions. If you observe that the air conditioner system is not alternating between them, then the reverse valve is not working smoothly. For this reason, you cannot repair the air conditioner. Ultimately, you will need to hire a professional air con maintenance professional to repair the heating and cooling functions.


To conclude we want to let you know that if you are not doing regular maintenance of the air conditioner, you are bound for a spending spree. So, always consider the above-mentioned aspects and make sure your air conditioner is in good shape.

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